Traits in Cairo

Traits specify functionality blueprints that can be implemented. The blueprint specification includes a set of function signatures containing type annotations for the parameters and return value. This sets a standard to implement the specific functionality.

Defining a Trait

To define a trait, you use the keyword trait followed by the name of the trait in PascalCase then the function signatures in a pair of curly braces.

For example, let's say that we have multiple structs representing shapes. We want our application to be able to perform geometry operations on these shapes, So we define a trait ShapeGeometry that contains a blueprint to implement geometry operations on a shape like this:

trait ShapeGeometry {
    fn boundary(self: Rectangle) -> u64;
    fn area(self: Rectangle) -> u64;

Here our trait ShapeGeometry declares signatures for two methods boundary and area. When implemented, both these functions should return a u64 and accept parameters as specified by the trait.

Implementing a Trait

A trait can be implemented using impl keyword with the name of your implementation followed by of then the name of trait being implemented. Here's an example implementing ShapeGeometry trait.

impl RectangleGeometry of ShapeGeometry {
	fn boundary(self: Rectangle) -> u64 {
        2_u64 * (self.height + self.width)
	fn area(self: Rectangle) -> u64 {
		self.height * self.width

In the code above, RectangleGeometry implements the trait ShapeGeometry defining what the methods boundary and area should do. Note that the function parameters and return value types are identical to the trait specification.

Parameter self

In the example above, self is a special parameter. When a parameter with name self is used, the implemented functions are also attached to the instances of the type as methods. Here's an illustration,

When the ShapeGeometry trait is implemented, the function area from the ShapeGeometry trait can be called in two ways:

let rect = Rectangle { ... }; // Rectangle instantiation

// First way, as a method on the struct instance
let area1 = rect.area();
// Second way, from the implementation
let area2 = RectangleGeometry::area(rect);
// `area1` has same value as `area2`

And the implementation of the area method will be accessed via the self parameter.

Generic Traits

Usually we want to write a trait when we want multiple types to implement a functionality in a standard way. However, in the example above the signatures are static and cannot be used for multiple types. To do this, we use generic types when defining traits.

In the example below, we use generic type T and our method signatures can use this alias which can be provided during implementation.

use debug::PrintTrait;

// Here T is an alias type which will be provided buring implementation
trait ShapeGeometry<T> {
    fn boundary(self: T) -> u64;
    fn area(self: T) -> u64;

// Implementation RectangleGeometry passes in <Rectangle>
// to implement the trait for that type
impl RectangleGeometry of ShapeGeometry<Rectangle> {
    fn boundary(self: Rectangle) -> u64 {
        2_u64 * (self.height + self.width)
    fn area(self: Rectangle) -> u64 {
        self.height * self.width

// We might have another struct Circle
// which can use the same trait spec
impl CircleGeometry of ShapeGeometry<Circle> {
    fn boundary(self: Circle) -> u64 {
        (2_u64 * 314_u64 * self.radius) / 100_u64
    fn area(self: Circle) -> u64 {
        (314_u64 * self.radius * self.radius) / 100_u64

fn main() {
    let rect = Rectangle { height: 5_u128, width: 7_u128 };
    rect.area().print(); // 35
    rect.boundary().print(); // 24

    let circ = Circle { radius: 5_u128 };
    circ.area().print(); // 78
    circ.boundary().print(); // 31

Managing and using external trait implementations

To use traits methods, you need to make sure the correct traits/implementation(s) are imported. In the code above we imported PrintTrait from debug with use debug::PrintTrait; to use print() methods.

In some cases you might need to import not only the trait but also the implementation if they are declared in separate modules. If CircleGeometry was in a separate module/file circle then to use boundary on circ: Circle, we'd need to import CircleGeometry in addition to ShapeGeometry.

If the code was organised into modules like this,

use debug::PrintTrait;

// struct Circle { ... } and struct Rectangle { ... }

mod geometry {
    use super::Rectangle;
    trait ShapeGeometry<T> {
        // ...

    impl RectangleGeometry of ShapeGeometry::<Rectangle> {
        // ...

// Could be in a different file
mod circle {
    use super::geometry::ShapeGeometry;
    use super::Circle;
    impl CircleGeometry of ShapeGeometry::<Circle> {
        // ...

fn main() {
    let rect = Rectangle { height: 5_u64, width: 7_u64 };
    let circ = Circle { radius: 5_u64 };
    // Fails with this error
    // Method `area` not found on... Did you import the correct trait and impl?

To make it work, in addition to,

use geometry::ShapeGeometry;

you might also need to use CircleGeometry,

use circle::CircleGeometry