Recoverable Errors with Result

Most errors aren’t serious enough to require the program to stop entirely. Sometimes, when a function fails, it’s for a reason that you can easily interpret and respond to. For example, if you try to add two large integers and the operation overflows because the sum exceeds the maximum representable value, you might want to return an error or a wrapped result instead of causing undefined behavior or terminating the process.

The Result enum

Recall from “Generic data types” in Chapter 7 that the Result enum is defined as having two variants, Ok and Err, as follows:

enum Result<T, E> {

The Result<T, E> enum has two generic types, T and E, and two variants: Ok which holds the value of type T and Err which holds the value of type E. This definition makes it convenient to use the Result enum anywhere we have an operation that might succeed (by returning a value of type T) or fail (by returning a value of type E).

The ResultTrait

The ResultTrait trait provides methods for working with the Result<T, E> enum, such as unwrapping values, checking whether the Result is Ok or Err, and panicking with a custom message. The ResultTraitImpl implementation defines the logic of these methods.

trait ResultTrait<T, E> {
    fn expect<impl EDrop: Drop<E>>(self: Result<T, E>, err: felt252) -> T;

    fn unwrap<impl EDrop: Drop<E>>(self: Result<T, E>) -> T;

    fn expect_err<impl TDrop: Drop<T>>(self: Result<T, E>, err: felt252) -> E;

    fn unwrap_err<impl TDrop: Drop<T>>(self: Result<T, E>) -> E;

    fn is_ok(self: @Result<T, E>) -> bool;

    fn is_err(self: @Result<T, E>) -> bool;

The expect and unwrap methods are similar in that they both attempt to extract the value of type T from a Result<T, E> when it is in the Ok variant. If the Result is Ok(x), both methods return the value x. However, the key difference between the two methods lies in their behavior when the Result is in the Err variant. The expect method allows you to provide a custom error message (as a felt252 value) that will be used when panicking, giving you more control and context over the panic. On the other hand, the unwrap method panics with a default error message, providing less information about the cause of the panic.

The expect_err and unwrap_err have the exact opposite behavior. If the Result is Err(x), both methods return the value x. However, the key difference between the two methods is in case of Result::Ok(). The expect_err method allows you to provide a custom error message (as a felt252 value) that will be used when panicking, giving you more control and context over the panic. On the other hand, the unwrap_err method panics with a default error message, providing less information about the cause of the panic.

A careful reader may have noticed the <impl TDrop: Drop<T>> and <impl EDrop: Drop<E>> in the first four methods signatures. This syntax represents generic type constraints in the Cairo language. These constraints indicate that the associated functions require an implementation of the Drop trait for the generic types T and E, respectively.

Finally, the is_ok and is_err methods are utility functions provided by the ResultTrait trait to check the variant of a Result enum value.

is_ok takes a snapshot of a Result<T, E> value and returns true if the Result is the Ok variant, meaning the operation was successful. If the Result is the Err variant, it returns false.

is_err takes a reference to a Result<T, E> value and returns true if the Result is the Err variant, meaning the operation encountered an error. If the Result is the Ok variant, it returns false.

These methods are helpful when you want to check the success or failure of an operation without consuming the Result value, allowing you to perform additional operations or make decisions based on the variant without unwrapping it.

You can find the implementation ot the ResultTrait here.

It is always easier to understand with examples.

Have a look at this function signature:

fn u128_overflowing_add(a: u128, b: u128) -> Result<u128, u128>;

It takes two u128 integers, a and b, and returns a Result<u128, u128> where the Ok variant holds the sum if the addition does not overflow, and the Err variant holds the overflowed value if the addition does overflow.

Now, we can use this function elsewhere. For instance:

fn u128_checked_add(a: u128, b: u128) -> Option<u128> {
    match u128_overflowing_add(a, b) {
        Result::Ok(r) => Option::Some(r),
        Result::Err(r) => Option::None(()),

Here, it accepts two u128 integers, a and b, and returns an Option<u128>. It uses the Result returned by u128_overflowing_add to determine the success or failure of the addition operation. The match expression checks the Result from u128_overflowing_add. If the result is Ok(r), it returns Option::Some(r) containing the sum. If the result is Err(r), it returns Option::None(()) to indicate that the operation has failed due to overflow. The function does not panic in case of an overflow.

Let's take another example demonstrating the use of unwrap. First we import the necessary modules:

use core::traits::Into;
use traits::TryInto;
use option::OptionTrait;
use result::ResultTrait;
use result::ResultTraitImpl;

In this example, the parse_u8 function takes a felt252 integer and tries to convert it into a u8 integer using the try_into method. If successful, it returns Result::Ok(value), otherwise it returns Result::Err('Invalid integer').

fn parse_u8(s: felt252) -> Result<u8, felt252> {
    match s.try_into() {
        Option::Some(value) => Result::Ok(value),
        Option::None(_) => Result::Err('Invalid integer'),

Our two test cases are:

fn test_felt252_to_u8() {
    let number: felt252 = 5_felt252;
    // should not panic
    let res = parse_u8(number).unwrap();

fn test_felt252_to_u8_panic() {
    let number: felt252 = 256_felt252;
    // should panic
    let res = parse_u8(number).unwrap();

The first one tests a valid conversion from felt252 to u8, expecting the unwrap method not to panic. The second test function attempts to convert a value that is out of the u8 range, expecting the unwrap method to panic with the error message 'Invalid integer'.

We could have also used the #[should_panic] attribute here.

The ? operator ?

The last operator we will talk about is the ? operator. The ? operator is used for more idiomatic and concise error handling. When you use the ? operator on a Result or Option type, it will do the following:

  • If the value is Result::Ok(x) or Option::Some(x), it will return the inner value x directly.
  • If the value is Result::Err(e) or Option::None, it will propagate the error or None by immediately returning from the function.

The ? operator is useful when you want to handle errors implicitly and let the calling function deal with them.

Here is an example.

fn do_something_with_parse_u8(input: felt252) -> Result<u8, felt252> {
    let input_to_u8: u8 = parse_u8(input)?;
    let res = input_to_u8 - 1;

do_something_with_parse_u8 function takes a felt252 value as input and calls parse_u8. The ? operator is used to propagate the error, if any, or unwrap the successful value.

And with a little test case:

fn test_function_2() {
    let number: felt252 = 258_felt252;
    match do_something_with_parse_u8(number) {
        Result::Ok(value) => value.print(),
        Result::Err(e) => e.print()

The console will print the error "Invalid Integer".


We saw that recoverable errors can be handled in Cairo using the Result enum, which has two variants: Ok and Err. The Result<T, E> enum is generic, with types T and E representing the successful and error values, respectively. The ResultTrait provides methods for working with Result<T, E>, such as unwrapping values, checking if the result is Ok or Err, and panicking with custom messages.

To handle recoverable errors, a function can return a Result type and use pattern matching to handle the success or failure of an operation. The ? operator can be used to implicitly handle errors by propagating the error or unwrapping the successful value. This allows for more concise and clear error handling, where the caller is responsible for managing errors raised by the called function.